Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's what you put out there

I had a brief, but lovely, conversation with a nice gal I met the other day.  I was 39 weeks pregnant and about to go in for an acupuncture appointment when she complimented me, saying that I am a cute pregnant lady, which I certainly wasn't feeling at the time!  But it was nice to hear and began our conversation.  It turns out that she made a goal for 2012 that if she was having a positive thought she would share it, just put it out there.  Negative ones wouldn't get the same attention.  She said that 9 months later she's finally living it.  I think it's a wonderful idea.  Why not tell someone when you're thinking something nice about them, and just try and release some of the negative thoughts that pop up along the way?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012