Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In the clear

The last few days I've had a cold.  It has been so frustrating!  Not only am I tired and uncomfortable, I've also been cranky that this has slowed down the momentum of my October Yoga Challenge!  Over the last few days I have had to listen to my body, respect my limits, and come to peace with the fact that I simply needed to rest.  Baby A has been teething really badly, poor little guy, which means that I'm stretched a little thin tending to his needs, work, and trying to get myself on the fast track back to feeling well.

I've been drinking lots of tea and doing a slow and restorative practice during his shorter than usual naps.  This article in Yoga Journal shows some poses that help to relieve a cold.  I am hoping that tomorrow my energy levels will be on their way back to normal so I can go out to a class!  We'll see how I feel.  If not tomorrow, there's always Thursday...

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