Monday, March 14, 2011

New yoga mat

A couple of months ago I got a new yoga mat.  I got a Manduka Pro-lite, and I tell you it's love.  I couldn't decide which Manduka to get, so I bought an EKO mat and a Pro-lite.  After practicing on both, I've decided to give the EKO to my husband.  Luckily I picked gender neutral colors when devising this plan.

My old mat served me well.  But it had a burn (from ear candling gone awry), cat scratches too numerous to count and sadly, two cat puke stains.  Plus it just didn't offer the same support as the Mandukas I'd tried at Virayoga.

Pic via Gaiam Life

I didn't want to throw it away though!  So I did some research on recycling and reusing yoga mats.  Here's an article that offers 50 ways to reuse your yoga mat.  We ended up using part of my old yoga mat to line the shelves where we leave our shoes upon entering the apartment and the rest as a pad under and around the cat litter.  Very useful!

We still have some scraps left, so maybe I'll try and tackle these yoga mat flip flops next.  Kinda awesome!

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