Friday, February 4, 2011


Yesterday I did this wonderful, short yoga sequence by Elena Brower on Yogaglo.  The description of this 10 minute sequence says "A selection of standing poses, a makeshift mudra for patience and a brief meditation that will help all moms find more strength, space and time in the most challenging moments of your day."  First of all, I felt great afterward--spacious, grounded, patient and full of love.  Little did I know how much I would need those feelings just a bit later in the afternoon!

My husband is an artist, and I absolutely love that he makes his ink drawings at home rather than in the studio.  I did not love it yesterday though, when he left a bin with at least 4 different bottles of ink (without lids!!) within toddler's reach.  Luckily I had just done that sweet little yoga sequence, so I was brimming with patience and love and managed to find humor in the situation rather than being too terribly upset during the 45+ minutes it took to clean up this pretty little mess.

1 comment:

My Green Mouth said...

I love this photo. I think you could do a beautiful artistic series of photos of "messes" around the house. Especially ones like this with all the gorgeous color. I seriously think about what kind of art to buy friends to hang up in their kids' bedrooms, and I'd hang up this lovely photo.